The Vagina Business

ISBN-13: 9781728263304
: The Innovative Breakthroughs that Could Change Everything in Women's Health
Marina Gerner
September 17, 2024
| 448 pages

Social Science / Women's Studies / Business & Economics / Women In Business / Feminism & Feminist Theory / Business & Economics / Economics / Entrepreneurship  / Investments & Securities

"I don't want to talk about vaginas in my Monday morning meeting." A searing exploration of why male investors are afraid of the v-word, what that means for women's health and sexual wellness, and how we can overcome it, by award-winning financial journalist Marina Gerner

We live in a society that prioritizes men's convenience over women's suffering. Nowhere is this more evident in the female technology industry. In 2020, the total value of investment in the digital health industry was $14.1 billion. Female-focused digital health companies received just 1.8% of that funding. Women continue to get short-changed when it comes to their health and sexual wellness because venture capitalists are predominantly male. And these male investors often either fail to believe a product designed for people with vaginas is necessary, or they otherwise find it "icky" in some way.

The Vagina Business is based on thorough reporting from interviews with 100 entrepreneurs and innovators in the femtech space, by award-winning journalist Marina Gerner. It dives deep to expose the inherent sexism in finance, tech, and medicine, with firsthand accounts from women who have overcome these challenges to create the new and necessary industry that is femtech. It also demonstrates the connections between obstacles female entrepreneurs face in the board room, and the unnecessary pain and suffering women deal with everywhere else—and how we can overcome it.