The Childfree Guide to Life and Money

ISBN-13: 9781728297347
: Make Your Finances Simple So Your Life Without Kids Can Be Amazing
Jay Zigmont PhD, MBA, CFP®
December 31, 2024
Trade Paperback  
| 304 pages

Business & Economics / Personal Finance / Money Management  / Budgeting / Retirement Planning / Taxation

Living a life of childfree wealth means you have the time, money, and freedom to do what you want. Jay Zigmont, PhD, MBA, CFP®, and founder of Childfree Wealth, shares how to plan for the life you want and then figure out a financial plan that will get you there, using his FILE (financial independence, live early) method.

In a recent study, 1 in 5 adults said they are childfree, meaning they don't have kids and never plan to. It's also estimated that there are between 50 and 60 million Americans who are childfree, and that number is only expected to get bigger. When it comes to financial planning, most benchmarks assume you do have children or will have them someday. For childfree people who are not looking to leave behind generational wealth for their kids, not having to save for their kids' college, and probably not needing life insurance, this advice is not helpful. All this to say: Financial planning looks vastly different for folks who are childfree.

Jay Zigmont is a certified financial planner who specializes in working with clients who are childfree. He was featured or mentioned in 240 media outlets in 2022 alone, including MarketWatch, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, PopSugar, and USA Today. You may have heard of the FIRE concept in personal finance (financial independence, retire early), but Jay helps people FILE (financial independence, LIVE early), meaning you're not planning to go to the grave with accrued wealth that you'll then leave to your children.

With high profile celebrities like Chelsea Handler and Seth Rogen speaking publicly about their decision to be childfree and more people sharing their stories on social media platforms like Tiktok and Reddit (#childfree has over 580 million views, and the childfree Reddit community has 1.5 million members), the conversation around this stigmatized topic is changing. This book will meet an underserved and growing market in a big way, and we will be one of the first books on this subject.